Class AbstractNormalization

Direct Known Subclasses:
AutoSoftmax, Exponential, Linear, PeakLinear, PiecewiseLinear, Proportional, Raw, Sigmoid, Softmax, Topsis, Vector

public abstract class AbstractNormalization extends Object
This is the base class for all normalisation classes. In this class the methods are defined to create a normalised value from a value. The specific rules how to achieve this are explictly implemented by the subclasses. Parameters are used by implementing according interfaces from the parameter package.
Tim Mueller
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractNormalization

      public AbstractNormalization()
      Constructor of AbstractNormalize. No parameters required. Calls preInit(), init() and postInit();
  • Method Details

    • clone

      public abstract AbstractNormalization clone()
      clone in class Object
    • getNodeTag

      public String getNodeTag()
      Get the XML tag of the master node containing the normalisation parameters. Used to import and export the parameters of the normalisation class.
      the tag of the master node
    • importFromXML

      public abstract void importFromXML(org.jdom2.Element _element)
      Imports the normalisation parameters from a specified XML node.
      _element - the XML node to import the paramters from
    • exportToXML

      public abstract org.jdom2.Element exportToXML()
      Exports the normalisation parameters to a XML node.
      an XML node containing the parameters of this normalisation method
    • hasChanged

      public boolean hasChanged()
      Check if changes have been made. Returns true if changes have been registered.
      the status of the changed flag
    • setChanged

      public void setChanged()
      Set that changes have been made. Sets changed flag to true to register changes.
    • clearChanged

      public void clearChanged()
      Reset the changes flag. Set the changed flag to false.
    • isHarmonise

      public boolean isHarmonise()
      Equalise normalised values in a way they sum to 1.
      the equalise
    • setHarmonise

      public void setHarmonise(boolean _harmonise)
      Equalise normalised values in a way they sum to 1.
      _harmonise - the equalise value to set
    • normalize

      public abstract double normalize(Criterion _criterion, double _value)
      Normalize a single values according to the values contained in the passed criterion.
      _criterion - the criterion which is referred to for normalisation
      _value - the value to be normalised
      the normalised value according to the the values of the criterion
    • normalize

      public LinkedHashMap<String,Double> normalize(Criterion _criterion)
      Normalize all values contained in the passed criterion. Returns a list of normalised values of the passed criterion in the same order as they appear in the criterion. The keys of the map are the UUIDs of the alternatives.
      _criterion - the criterion for which all values should be normalised
      map of normalized values
    • normalize

      public ArrayList<Double> normalize(Criterion _criterion, Collection<Double> _values)
      Normalize a list of values according to the values contained in the passed criterion. Returns a list with normalised values in the same order as in the input list
      _criterion - the criterion which is referred to for normalisation
      _values - the list of values to be normalised
      a list of normalised values
    • doNormalize

      public double doNormalize(Criterion _criterion, double _value)
      Normalizes and afterwards equalizes by limiting the sum of the normalizations to 1. Delegates to normalize(Criterion, double).
      _criterion - the criterion to equalize a value from
      _value - the value to be equalized
      the equalized value
    • getPlot

      public double[] getPlot(Criterion _criterion, double[] _samplePoints)
    • getDomainRange

      public abstract double[] getDomainRange(Criterion _criterion)
      Get the actual range of the domain to which the values are normalised. This is sometimes explicitly set and sometimes computed from the criteria values themselves.
      _criterion - the criterion for which the domain range is requested
      an array containing the lower and upper bound of the domain
    • rankIndex

      protected int rankIndex(Criterion _criterion, double _value)
    • rankIndex

      protected int rankIndex(Criterion _criterion, ArrayList<Double> _include, double _value)
    • rankValues

      protected ArrayList<Double> rankValues(Criterion _criterion)
    • rankValues

      protected ArrayList<Double> rankValues(Criterion _criterion, ArrayList<Double> _include)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object