Class Expression

public class Expression extends AbstractAggregation
  • Field Details


      public static final String NORMALIZED_PREFIX
      A prefix to address an already normalized criterion ("normalized_").
      See Also:

      public static final String WEIGHTED_PREFIX
      A prefix to address a variable with the already included weight. ("weighted_").
      See Also:

      public static final String WEIGHT_OF_PREFIX
      A prefix to address the weight of a variable. ("weightOf_").
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Expression

      public Expression()
      Beanstyle constructor of AbstractAggregation. No parameters required. Calls preInit(), init() and postInit();
  • Method Details

    • importFromXML

      public void importFromXML(org.jdom2.Element _masterNode)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAggregation
      Imports the data from a specified element
      importFromXML in class AbstractAggregation
    • exportToXML

      public org.jdom2.Element exportToXML()
      Export data structure to a XML node. Missing data, see class javadoc for details Returns null if an error occured during export
      exportToXML in class AbstractAggregation
      the master node where the data structure values are anchored
    • aggregateAll

      protected double aggregateAll(Alternative _alternative, ArrayList<Criterion> _criteria, Weighting _weighting)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAggregation
      Delegated method to subclass for doing a full aggregation on the complete set of criteria for a given alternative.
      Specified by:
      aggregateAll in class AbstractAggregation
      _alternative - the alternative to aggregate for
      _criteria - the list of all criteria
      _weighting - the weighting for the criteria
      the full aggregation value
    • aggregateGroup

      protected double aggregateGroup(Alternative _alternative, CriterionGroup _group, ArrayList<Criterion> _criteria, Weighting _weighting)
      Expression aggregation does not work for groups in general.
      Specified by:
      aggregateGroup in class AbstractAggregation
      _alternative -
      _group -
      _criteria -
      _weighting -
    • aggregateSingle

      protected double aggregateSingle(Alternative _alternative, Criterion _criterion, ArrayList<Criterion> _criteria, Weighting _weighting)
      Description copied from class: AbstractAggregation
      Delegated method to subclass for determining the aggregation value of a single criterion for a given alternative. The aggregation is done in respect to the aggregation of the full set e.g. in respect to the overall maximum.
      Specified by:
      aggregateSingle in class AbstractAggregation
      _alternative - the alternative to aggregate for
      _criterion - the criterion to determine the aggregation value for
      _criteria - the list of all criteria
      _weighting - the weighting for the criteria
      the single aggregation value
    • fixVariableName

      public static String fixVariableName(String _variableName)
    • getExpression

      public String getExpression()
    • setExpression

      public void setExpression(String _expression)
    • getHighestTier

      public int getHighestTier()
      Description copied from class: AbstractAggregation
      Get the highest tier for which tierwise information is available. Weighted sum provides information for any tier, TOPSIS and weighted product only for the lowest tier 0.
      Specified by:
      getHighestTier in class AbstractAggregation
      the highest tier for which tierwise information is available