Multi Criteria Decision Analysis at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

In the unlikely case that you do not know what MCDA is and have no idea why you are here:
What is Multi Criteria Decision Analysis?

This page provides access to the Application developed at KIT, important Changes, some Media, the Sources, and the Documentation.



Showing common tools
Showing less common tools
Showing less common tools


MCDA in a rush...
(illustrating the example in the User Guide)
MCDA in a rush...
(illustrating the example in the User Guide)
Test using YouTube
Adding criteria and groups
Adressing uncertainties: ensemble evaluation
Simple SDG plugin


Generated human readable report as HTML: english, german, spanish, slovak, french, italian, chinese, ...
Generated human readable report as DOCX: english, ...


The application requires a Java Runtime Engine (JRE) version 17 or higher.
The to-go packages include a bundled Azul JRE for convenience. However a JRE installed on your system is preferrable.
Any provider for a JRE implementation should be fine. To give two examples:
To run the application, unpack the package and in the extracted directory do the following

In case you want to give us feedback you can use this Google form for your convenience, but by email is fine as well.

Current release 10.1.0 (July 2023)
Contains most recent features and is generally stable.

Previous versions
For tracking history.

Change notes

Only the most noteworthy changes are listed.

Since version 10.2 (in testing, not released yet)
Since version 10.1
Since version 10.0
Since version 9.5
Since version 9.4
Since version 7.6
Since version 7.5
Since version 7.4
Since version 7.2
Since version 7.1


In general we are open to share the sources to interested people.
As version control is currently managed on the KIT Gitlab server, access requires a KIT account (which is doable for partners or cooperations).
However zip cloning as file is much easier and possible on request. At some point we may move to a public server.
Technical detail: the lokal maven repository architecture currently prevents a more simple public solution.


User Guide
Developer Guide (incomplete)
JavaDoc API (GUI and Core)
Bug Tracking with Bugzilla

Some References

MCDA handling uncertainties, Radioprotection Journal
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis: Uncertainties and Combining Decision Making Methods, KIT Scientific Reports


In general free to use for non-commercial purposes, provided that the MCDA project of KIT is referenced.
Commercial usage would be subject to negotiation. For details do not hesitate to contact us.


Tim Müller
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety (ITES)
Phone: +49 721 608-24691
Email: Tim.Mueller at
Sadeeb Ottenburger
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Thermal Energy Technology and Safety (ITES)
Phone: +49 721 608-25507
Email: Sadeeb.Ottenburger at